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Transformational bodywork
Transformational bodywork
Sexual Healing
Authentic tantra education
Authentic tantra education
Loving presence
Loving presence
Loving presence
Emotional expression
Loving presence
Beauty of being

An international directory of tantric healing therapists

Welcome to ThT

We are an international  collective of tantric healing therapists who share a combined vision and mission in tantric healing work. Our therapists are professionally trained to support you with a wide range of sexual and intimacy issues, in a safe and confidential space. They may also include other healing modalities into their own unique approach.  

In this website, you can book a session with a ThT practitioner near you, read up about tantric healing in our blog articles, and get inspired to join events and workshops run by our therapists.

We offer a client-centered approach founded on core principles of high professional standards, ethical practice, and authentic tantric education, offered with a pure loving intention for the purposes of healing.

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Testimonials of our practitioners

  • She:

    We felt so good the last two days. My colleagues keep asking why I’m in such a great mood :) I also feel much more connected to G. since our session. As if I fell in love with him all over again. I noticed that after the session he looked at me with so much love in his eyes, I can’t remember the last time he looked at me like that. 


    I thought I would be very self conscious in the session but you made me feel at ease and I think I got more out of it than I expected. I also felt immediately reconnected to S. and also generally in a better mood as a result. 

    Thank you so much for kickstarting this journey for us, it has already made such a difference to our relationship.

    S. & G.London, UK
    for our therapist Julia Vaya-Mai
  • Since my first session with Julia, incredible changes started happening in all areas of my life. 

    I have been able to let go of some deeply rooted traumas and emotional wounds, experience increased levels of aliveness, creativity, and joy. Consequently, this had what I can only call a "miraculous" effect on all my relationships, finances and experiencing a true sense of freedom.

    Julia has compassionately and lovingly guided me throughout this journey, allowing me to come to my own realizations and deeper experiences. Some long-standing (lifetime) patters of emotional turmoil and addiction were let go of in a matter of weeks, opening up possibilities for growth, new positive attitudes, thoughts, and feelings.

    Since reconnecting to my body and learning to be more present, I have also learned to separate my orgasms and ejaculation, completely relinquishing the need to ejaculate. This has significantly improved my overall physical and mental health, clarity and purposeful life direction. 

    I will be forever grateful to Julia for guiding me on this journey

    ArturasLondon, UK
    for our therapist Julia Vaya-Mai
  • Tatiana is the most skillful practitioner I have ever known. She holds the space with such care, compassion and safety that it allows whatever needs to come up to come up. Tatiana can hold really challenging emotions with such skill, and the safety that you need, coupled with such profound gentleness and compassion. Tatiana is an immense gift to the world, and to me and I have found the work she does so deeply healing and nourishing. I wish I had worked with Tatiana years ago!

    for our therapist Tatiana Aitken
  • The therapy i have been waiting all my life for. In every moment I felt safe, guided, protected and loved. This trance like space that was so carefully constructed was the space needed for my body to let go of pain it had held onto more than 30 years. I am eternally grateful that somebody would devote their life to being a channel and a guide for such intense and effective healing and I promptly booked two more sessions. My personal story is one of abuse, so to recognise that i am numb and closed and to begin to open the door to my pain through love and trust and for it to be so effective within the first session I was left humbled, grateful and extremely internal. Thank you Kate, cant wait for our next session.

    RonanApril 2017, London
    for our therapist Kate Elena
  • I can not thank you enough for the session you gave me. So much tenderness and unconditional love from your side made me safe enough to access inner layers and wisdom. I have been so preoccupied with the state of my Lingam that I had forgotten about my inner fire and magma. So skillful of you to guide me with your loving hands/heart to a place where I once again could connect to my deeper energies.
    I am eternally grateful that our paths crossed. 
    With Love and Warmth

    A. (Sweden)May 2019, Koh Phangan
    for our therapist Mani